FAQ > Frequently Asked Questions (11 entries)
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Sorry but pets are not allowed at our home.
IGA Surf City near the traffic circle is the closest full service grocery store approximately 4 miles from our home. Across the high rise bridge between 5-6 miles is a ...
We do not allow smoking in our home. Smoking is allowed outside on the decks but not in the screened porch. Please do not discard "butts" on the ground. ...
Unless you rent during Prime Season (around the 1st of June to mid August), linens are available for an extra charge. Bed linens for all beds, along with enough towels ...
A costal fishing permit is required to fish in North Carolina. You can obtain this permit by visiting the website of North Carolina Wildlilfe Resources Commission at: www.ncwildlife.org ...
We have supplied our home with every small kitchen appliance that would be used for a normal week at the beach. There is an automatic coffee machine, coffee grinder, crock ...
There are only ten (10) homes on our neighborhood street block so traffic is rare at our beach home. Speed limits are set at 20 MPH so when cars do ...
There is room to park a boat or motor home in either paved driveway of our home. There is also parking on the oceanfront lot that we own, but it ...
Our home is pier built with a reverse plan. It is not handicap accesible. We do have an elevator but it is not wheel chair compliant. There is a bedroom ...
During prime season our hot tub is fully operational with cleaning and chemical service performed every 3-4 days. There is no extra charge during prime time and parts of mid ...
The pool opens late March and closes around the first of November. We may extend or shorten the time due to current weather. The pool can be heated at ...